Heart - Brain Health Fair Connections


“Brain Health Check-in”

Dr. Naudia Moorley

Do you question whether your brain is working normally for your age?
It is common to experience changes in memory, thinking and physical ability as we age.

While some changes with aging are normal, others may be symptoms that could indicate an underlying condition or something serious. To help keep your brain healthy and active well into your later years, Banner Sun Health Research Institute is hosting a free Brain Health Check-In.

Assessments are provided by the Banner Sun Health Research Institutes Center for Healthy Aging and Neuropsychology teams and last approximately one hour. You can expect to complete short questionnaires and brief memory and thinking tests. Then you will have a chance to review your brain health status and ask questions.

“Mind and Heart Health: Life’s Simple”

Rachel Bond, MD

During this session we will discuss simple steps you can take to improve your Mind & Heart Health; the health of the Mind and Heart are connected. We will address this as well as 7 simple steps to improve both.

“Strokes: Basics of Diagnosis, Prevention and Survival”

Dr. Paige Banyas

Have you seen or heard of someone having a stroke and wondered just what
that is about?

This session will review the fundamentals behind what a stroke is, how to recognize the symptoms and how it is diagnosed. We will also discuss basic treatment and highlight stroke prevention and recovery. Leave this session well aware and informed about a prevalent health challenge.

“Strategies in Maintaining a Healthy Heart”

Brian W. Hardaway, MD

Maintaining a healthy heart does not have to be totally intensive doctor driven process. There are strategic steps you can take and sustain to maintain a healthy heart.

Depending on where you start it does not have to be dramatic or drastic actions. Yes, team with your physician for guidance but come and hear what this cardiologist and transplant surgeon has found works for sustained healthy heart living. He has 20+ years in practice experience diagnosing and treating heart disease, such as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disorders and heart failure.

“Alzheimer’s – What You Should Know”

Dr. Richard Caselli

What is Alzheimer’s disease; what symptoms we watch for, what a medical evaluation entails, and how we treat it (or at least basic principles of management).

“Daily Practices for Total Well Being”

Mr. Keith Jones

Learn and practice 5 well-being skills to reduce stress, increase joy, and promote wellness in your life.

“Melodies for a Healthier Heart & Body”

Dr. Latrice Gettings

This informational session will provide tips and strategies for all ages. With the many traumatic situations and stress-related factors related to the pandemic, unprecedented times we are in, and the aftermath of the pandemic, there has been an adverse impact on individuals young – old. The pain, stress, frustration, sadness, and anxiety one feels from lack of income and the unfair treatment of minorities can take a toll on a person’s mental and physical health. This can lead to heart disease as well as other health problems.

​One holistic approach to addressing heart and health problems is the integration of music into your daily routine. Music is a universal language that any generation can participate in. People listen to music to manage stress and pain, strengthen and stimulate their memory, relax, relieve symptoms of depression.

At the end of this session, participants will have information on the benefits of music for their heart and body along with daily self-care strategies. With music, one can begin to heal their mind and body with potentially developing a healthier well-being.

“Comprendiendo el problema de la presiónarterial alta”

Dr. Ana Guzman

La presión arterial alta es uno de los principals factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca y accidente cerebrovascular. Dra. Guzman, explicará qué es la presión arterial, por qué debe mantenerse por debajo de 120/80 y cómo alcanzarla.

“Feeling Good Starts with Healthy Food”

Effie Godbold

The importance of eating healthy foods for a healthy brain and heart.
Tips for healthy eating and cooking. What is F.E.E.L, and its significance?

D.Y.I. Cooking demonstrations for you and your family – at home.

“Dance/Exercise for Heart & Brain”

Ms. Kyleaa Gettings

The purpose of this presentation is to explain the importance of three ingredients to a healthy heart and brain: Music, Movement, and Meals. When one adds music, dance, and healthy eating; it reduces inflammation and increase circulation. A healthy lifestyle enhances one’s ultimate personal wellness.

The integration of different melodies, dance, and healthy meals fuel your heart and brain. In addition to me modeling various dance moves, I will mention some healthy eating habits along with, Mrs. Effie Godbold and Keenon Gettings. In collaboration with the two of them, we will display a couple of meals that we prepared.

The participants will not only see the finished healthy dish but be able to view the ingredients and other healthy eating tips. Participants will walk away with a brochure of simple dance moves and some healthy eating tips. They will also have the opportunity to participate in the fun dance moves that I will present.

“Eat To Live”

LaVern Calvin-Stevenson

Eating intentionally requires some planning and changes on the way a person see food. Eating to live is the renewing of this process. This workshop will feature fresh fruits and vegetables and alternative proteins. Infused water for optimum hydration. Come, see, and taste!

“Understanding the Issue of High Blood Pressure”

Ms. Cindy Quintero

High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Learn what blood pressure is, why it needs to be kept below 120/80, and changes you can make to manage high blood pressure.

“Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body” (English)

Ms. Martha Burruel

Tips from the Latest Research: For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, science can provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you age. Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity, and social engagements and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging.

“Mental health, Emotional Wellbeing & Your Cognitive Health”

Brian Browne

Your mental health affects every aspect of your daily life including, your job, your relationships, your spiritual life, physical health, and your cognitive health. However, many of us have been taught that our emotional wellbeing and mental health issues are signs of personal weakness. Join Brian Browne as he explains the research that reveals the importance of investing daily in your mental health.

“Vida Saludable para su Cuerpo”

Ms. Graciela Mera

Vida Saludable para su Cerebro y Cuerpo: Consejos de las últimas investigaciones: Durante siglos, hemos sabido que la salud del cerebro y el cuerpo está conectada. Pero ahora, la ciencia es capaz de proporcionar información sobre cómo tener un estilo de vida que pueden ayudarle a mantener su cerebro y su cuerpo saludables a medida que envejece. Únase a nosotros para aprender sobre la investigación en el área de la dieta y nutrición, ejercicio, actividad cognitiva y social y utilizar herramientas prácticas e incorporar estas recomendaciones en un plan de salud para la tercera edad, envejecimiento o senectud.

“The Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease in the African American Community”

Dr. Angela M. Allen

Providing care for loved ones with Alzheimerʼs disease and related dementia (ADRD) presents several challenges for family members and other caregivers. This is especially true in the African – American community, where there are issues of equity, disparities, and disproportionate impact that must be addresses while meeting the challenges of caregiving. Workshop participants will engage in discussion with this well renown research and care provider expert about the impact of Alzheimerʼs disease in the community and family and individual levels. Join the discussion and leave with helpful and hopeful strategies to utilize.

“Yoga of the Heart”

Ms. Lyndsey Robertson

Yoga of the Heart has been designed for women, with, or at risk for heart disease. This practice is an artful blend of light movement and stillness, strength and flexibility, breath work and awareness. Each class inspires students to unite body, mind, and heart in the present moment, enhancing wellbeing on and off the mat.

“Dementia, Strokes and Seizures”

Dr. Victor Salazar-Calderón

“Stroke,” “Dementia,” “Seizures” are commonly used terms many people are familiar with when talking about the brain and its health or malfunction. These and other common neurological terms will be discussed by this leading community based expert Neurologist. Workshop participants will walk away with a better awareness of what the terms mean, (or not) and how to address them including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. Join in important discussions about what you can do for your self or others when facing these challenges and how they affect the brain and heart.

“Comer para Vivir”

Ms. LaVern Calvin- Stevenson

Eating intentionally requires some planning and changes on the way a person see food. Eating to live is the renewing of this process. This workshop will feature fresh fruits and vegetables and alternative proteins. Infused water for optimum hydration. Come, see, and taste!